Sunday, April 22, 2007

okay this sucks, it fucking does. i only got 2 hours of sleep last night.
let me explain, dont jump to any conclusion yourself.

doctor gave me flu medicine, cough mixture and asthma pills to pop.
flu medicine and cough mixture made me really giddy its those
that are meant to make you sleep kind. so yes i was really tired
after taking them but what i forgotten was that the asthma pills
kicks start your heart beat. just like asthma inhalers they make
your heart beat much faster and your unable to calm it down.

so there i was feeling freakin' giddy and tired . my heart
was pumping 115 beats average a min while lying on my bed
forcing me to stay awake. so i slept at 3am and woke up at 5am.
been up forever since. i hate it when i'm ill and arent sailing
especially on weekends when time is aplenty and i left my books
in school. planned my trng log. cleaned my room, read 70 pages
of mind games, played psp. smsed suzzie. 98.7fm for 8 hours.

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